Thursday 26 September 2019

Drugged up

We had visit from Isabel a pharmacist who probably thought that she was going to give a talk but which was soon hijacked by a lot of questions and discussion from each of the group members.
It was a very interesting chat and I think it was a great opportunity for group members to be able to ask questions about a range of topics and have the full attention of a very knowledgeable pharmacist.
One of the drugs is Entresto and what side effects this could have.
The interaction between certain drugs and commonplace food items such as turmeric or grapefruit was discussed.
What happens if we forget or run out of drugs when we go away is a topic that we don't think about, until it happens.
I think everyone contributed and learnt something useful, I was certainly interested.

Some links that may be useful
In general the BHF website is full of useful information some of which can be downloaded or ordered in booklet form.

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