Thursday 26 November 2020

A hospital visit

 I had an appointment at Weston General Hospital early in the afternoon yesterday,

My wife came with me and we took the opportunity to go round Weston shops in the morning (for essentials of course).

Whatever anyone thinks of Weston, we have always enjoyed going. As well as some of the chain stores and national coffee shops, Weston has quite a number of independent shops cafe's.

It was very sad to see them closed due to the lockdown and even more depressing to see that some are now permanently shut.

Some have closed because of online shopping. Is there anything worse than buying from an internet site, particularly Amazon. Owned by someone set to be a trillionaire whilst his employees work for just above the minimum wage. 

The staff at the hospital were excellent and my appointment was on time and everything would have seemed normal apart from the mask wearing and screens.

And now North Somerset is going to be a Tier 3.

Thursday 12 November 2020

It's the final lockdown???

 Did anyone have fireworks and a bonfire on November 5th? 

At least Halloween didn't happen, one of the very small pluses from this rotten second lockdown.