Thursday 30 September 2021

Apple picking

 Lots of apples to pick this year. We have tried to wrap them and preserve them in a cool place in previous years when we had too many. But this year we have a new small freezer so we are cooking them until slightly soft then either blitzing them up or leaving them as they are. When cool putting them into containers and freezing.

Thursday 16 September 2021


 Each to their own but I honestly fail to see why anyone would still wear a mask. I had to wear one all the time in hospital, which is the most likely place to get Covid. But to see people walking down the street in the open air wearing a mask makes me realise that the utterly dreadful media in this country have a lot to answer for.

The BBC is surely discredited in everything it now does. Their biased news is now shown to be be scaremongering and untruthful. Defund now! 

Thursday 2 September 2021

Soon be Christmas

September already. The garden is beginning to go over into Autumn, some flowers are finishing. But whilst we seem to have done poorly with the green beans, the apple trees are totally full of ripening fruit.

I don't seem to have had to cut the lawn much this year, perhaps I am just getting lazy.