Thursday 19 May 2022

Sand see serf

 1. The council are basically employees that we pay for and should do the job that we require them to do. 

2. So after all the stupidity of lockdowns and the effects on children, why are the children not the number one priority for council spending?

The play areas in Clevedon are in desperate need of an overhaul and upgrading. The sand pit is running out of sand, the swings are not swinging as they are missing and the roundabouts are not turning.

Yet this idiotic council think it is appropriate to spend hundred of thousands of pounds on a cycle track. There is already a pupose built cycle track, it is called a road.

Thursday 5 May 2022

May the fifth be with you

 This is a Star Wars free zone.

Does anyone else check their own blood pressure?

As much as I despise smart phones (surely the very worst invention ever) there is one program on it that works extremely well and is very useful. It is called BP Journal it is a free program but I thought that it was so good that I paid for the full version. I do not have any affiliation with the programmer but I do recommend that you have a look at it.