Thursday 30 June 2022

A toast to the sandwich maker

 After the last post story about a landline phone, more nostalgia now.

A sandwich toaster. Whoever though of buttering the outside of two slices of bread putting a filling inside and heating it up? But they must have had corned beef in mind.

We had a hankering for toasted corned beef sandwiches - with a bit of mayonnaise in the mix. A quick easy meal but oh so tasty. Plenty of mixed vegetables too surely means that it is a well balanced meal. Protein, vegetables, carbohydrates, fibre it must be approved by any decent dietician.

Thursday 16 June 2022


 Does anyone else think that quality of almost everything is getting worse? It doesn't seem to matter whether it is a top price item in a product range or a budget buy, they all seem to go wrong . Perhaps it is because some products are getting more complicated.

We had a landline phone (anyone remember those?) which would display the number of the caller. Very handy when we were receiving silent calls. Not the most expensive nor the cheapest but a middle price by a well known manufacturer.

The first one didn't work at all but the second one did. For eight months before that too packed up.

So we had a bit of a day out to take the phone back and this time get a refund rather than a replacement.

Because of the limescale in the water in this area we don't buy an expensive iron or kettle. Those are definitely not worth paying too much for. Whilst not wanting to be part of the throwaway society some things have a limited shelf life.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Nice weather

 On holiday for a week and the weather is pretty good.

Saw the Red Arrows, always a fantastic sight.