Thursday 29 June 2023

Another bug

 Does anyone else get odd illnesses?

The latest one has made me poorly, nothing specific just poorly. The main side effect was that it was very hard to eat or even drink. Having zero energy too.

At least the weather has been good.

Thursday 15 June 2023

Flaming June

Another hot day so a good day to do some washing which takes a long time to dry. Nice to catch up on the gardening as well. Some fruit picking mainly raspberries. I made some frames for the gooseberries and redcurrants. It is lovely to have a mulberry tree in the garden but it gets completely stripped of fruit by the blackbirds. I wouldn't mind too much if we got a chance to have some ourselves but they get eaten before they are ripe.

Thursday 1 June 2023

Market day

 We went to the market in Clevedon today then on to Nailsea. An old chap we met asked us almost incredulously why we were going to Nailsea. Well why not?

A few different locally owned shops to look around is a bit of fun and hopefully shopping there keeps them solvent. The death of the high street will be yet another backward step for communities. Amazingly there were no roadworks in Tickenham!