Thursday 21 March 2024

Boxing match

 A sad day as we had to cut back our old box tree after the devastation that it got last year from box tree caterpillars. They had not only eaten every leaf but also stripped the new bark. Looking around the town the box tree moth has been quite widespread. It is unlikely we will try and grow any in the future.

Around the garden there were quite a few rogue holly and bay plants growing. These needed digging out and removing. 

Thursday 7 March 2024

Rain, rain go away

 There is a local weather station in Clevedon and it recorded double the average rainfall for the whole of February, which will come as no surprise to anyone living here.

The rain has continued into March, but a dry day today so a gardening opportunity. Weeding.

There was one main culprit to clear - Lords and Ladies, the wet conditions must be its ideal conditions.

But from seemingly nowhere there were two very long brambles, which had rooted at both ends. Fortunately with the ground being so wet it was a bit easier to dig them out roots and all. The thorns were vicious though.

An ivy growing on a wall was another unwelcome plant which took some removing.

Finally for today were three Himalayan honeysuckles already well established in between a gap in the wall and path. They look a bit gloomy to me, a bit funereal. As the stems were hollow, I left about six inches of stems on each plant and poured a bit of weedkiller into the stem.