Thursday 18 April 2024


 I am always intrigued to see how old banana skins, egg shells, apple cores, pumpkin skins, discarded ends of courgettes, shredded paper etc. are turned into friable compost. 

It was time to empty the compost bin today and the worms along with the ubiquitous woodlice had done their job once again. We even had a slow worm sat on top of the compost this time.

Thursday 4 April 2024


Have you tried using the slow cooker to make bread?

We have two slow cookers, one large, one small. I decided to make gluten free sourdough in the small one. It is a ceramic pot which I greased first and put some greaseproof paper in the bottom. I put the mixture in and heated it up a bit, then left it to rise. Once risen I put the slow cooker on again on high and it was pretty good - more cooked at the bottom than the top as you would expect but all okay. 

It is worth a go and doesn't take long.