Thursday 19 September 2024

School petri dish

 Does it happen every year after children go back to school.

There is a swap of viruses and bouts of sickness amongst the children and kindly passed on to parents and anyone coming into contact with them.

It also happens at univeristies when students start or restart their terms and the dreadful and dangerous meningitis can be passed on.

Viruses are tiny and can cause so much trouble. I understand that they are a halfway life form, not quite alive but able to reproduce - destructively. Will there ever be a time when viruses do not exist?

Thursday 5 September 2024


 Are you a Lidl or Aldi shopper or neither or both?

They are interesting shops and great value for the basics. The middle aisles are always interesting too.

Does anyone remember Tchibo in the UK? They were a great place to go to also. It was a shame that they didn't carry on in the UK.