Thursday, 18 March 2021

Blooming lovely

 Plenty of daffodils coming up, some snowdrops too all making the garden a bit cheery.

I have some perennial plants that I have overwintered and will be ready to plant out now. I have also had some success with some cuttings that I did which are beginning to show leaves.

Hardly any success with green bean seeds though. Last year every seed that I planted grew very well, but this year, four out of twenty four in the tray have managed to grow and not very healthy either. Not sure why.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

A year ago..

 Amazingly today marks the day since we last physically met as a group.

It was a cold, overcast and rainy day and we were not in our usual room but instead met in the main hall huddled close to the heater.

To mark the day we had a Zoom meeting, I wonder when we will actually meet up again?

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Still here

 Well, I had the vaccination - in my case the AstraZeneca.

I had a slight ache at the top of my arm for a day and nothing else. I am not sure if that means that if I had got Covid then I wouldn't have had much reaction anyway.

Goodness there is a lot of noise about this virus and vaccinations. My take on it is the NHS have saved my life and continue to monitor and care for me so I think it is right to do as they ask. Not without question but where I consider it is best.

I hope that everyone is keeping well.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Congratulations and vaccinations, when I tell everyone that...

 Another month and no sign of an end yet.

But I do have an appointment for a covid jab. I was sent a text from my GP practice with a reference number to apply online.

As there were no available slots it took quite a few attempts but I finally got a time on a Sunday.

The vaccinations are being done a little drive about 20-30 minutes drive away.

Shall I have the vaccination, have my DNA altered and be injected with a Bill Gates microchip? Or...

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Good News, Bad News

First the good news. I qualified then applied for a bus pass and it arrived in a few days. Very easy to apply and do online.

Bad news, where can I go and why?

Typical, I finally become a bona fide OAP and can legally be grumpy and politically incorrect. Does that mean that I can call Labour a bunch of dangerous liars and idiots? No I guess that is being polically correct.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

New Year. Same old...

 Well, who would have thought that this year would have been the same as last year?

Oh everyone.

It's like a bad version of Groundhog Day. Let's hope for a happy ending very soon.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Christmas Eve

There would not have been a meeting today as everyone would have been busy preparing for Christmas, I guess.

So, I hope that everyone has fantastic Christmas and a Happy... er... Happier New Year!

It certainly has been a different year so far.