Thursday, 19 September 2024

School petri dish

 Does it happen every year after children go back to school.

There is a swap of viruses and bouts of sickness amongst the children and kindly passed on to parents and anyone coming into contact with them.

It also happens at univeristies when students start or restart their terms and the dreadful and dangerous meningitis can be passed on.

Viruses are tiny and can cause so much trouble. I understand that they are a halfway life form, not quite alive but able to reproduce - destructively. Will there ever be a time when viruses do not exist?

Thursday, 5 September 2024


 Are you a Lidl or Aldi shopper or neither or both?

They are interesting shops and great value for the basics. The middle aisles are always interesting too.

Does anyone remember Tchibo in the UK? They were a great place to go to also. It was a shame that they didn't carry on in the UK.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

For keeps or lent?

 Is it sacrelige to have pancakes outside of Shrove Tuesday?


They are tasty any time of the year and can be savoury or sweet. They don't take long to make and cook but for such simple ingredients they taste so good. And even dairy free and gluten free are really great options.

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Saw bay

 Has anyone tried cutting a well established bay tree? I find that bay tree wood is very hard to cut so this time I used a chain saw.

My goodness, how quickly it cut through the branches. But it needs treating with the utmost respect and safety equipment is essential. What did impress me though is how quickly it stopped when there was the slightest letting go of the controls. Despite its power it actually felt very safe to use.

Thursday, 25 July 2024


 I am fortunate enough to have a garden shredder. It always surprises and amazes me how quickly the shredded material breaks down into the ground. Particularly compared to un-shredded branches. 

For the first time, instead of putting the twigs and prunings straight into the compost bin, I shredded them first. And goodness what a difference, it has already started to compost so rapidly. I will do this from now on.

When I looked in the compost bin it was so busy with woodlice - there always seems so many in the garden, worms, snails, slugs and occasionally a slow worm.

Thursday, 11 July 2024

UFO spotted

 Looking up into the sky today we saw a mysterious object, It moved very slowly across the blue sky and was very bright.

It gave off a lot of radiation which we could sense on our skin.

It has disappeared now but we will look again tomorrow to see if it returns.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Hay up

 It's that time of year for hay fever sufferer's.

Whilst I now get problems earlier in the year - I have read that birch trees can cause these issues at that time of the year, it was around this time that I used to get real problems.

Particularly when sitting my exams. I can remember during one exam that my eyes were watering so much that I stopped writing for a while and had to sit with my head back before I could go on. Dreadful.